Kyle Wilson- (pictured: Al Foster) Age: 31 Wife: Dominique Children: Alexis & Matthew Siblings: Roger Occupation: Fire Fighter Friends: Roger, Jim Mis. Info.: The perfect most cases. Dominique Wilson- (pictured: Jacquelin Walker) Age: 30 Husband: Kyle Children: Alexis & Matthew Occupation: Teacher Friends: Jennifer Mis. Info.: Jennifer is her best friend and would do anthing for her and her family. She if very giving and very nice, but she can be mean and nasty, if she has to be. Roger Wilson- (pictured: Thorne Humphrey) Age: 28 Wife: None Children: None Siblings: Kyle Occupation: None Friends: Kyle Mis. Info.: Very ruthless and does whatever he can to survive. He lives with Kyle and his family. Alexis Wilson (pictured: Lena Cardwell) Age: 15 Parents: Dominique & Kyle Siblings: Matt Boyfriend: None Occupation: Student Friends: Amy Quinn Mis. Info: A very pleasant person. An angel...a perfect daughter. The model student, the model daughter...she's just perfect and tries to teach Matt to be perfect as well. Her parents adore her. Not pictured above is Matthew Wilson. Dominique and Kyle's 10 year-old son.